I’m sure that every now and again you receive an email, SMS or note from a client complimenting you on the great work that you have done, or on the good service you have given them. You may even be sitting in a meeting when a client says something really good about what it is that you do. CAPTURE IT!
Make sure that you have one place in which you save all of these comments and testimonies to the quality and calibre of your work. It can be Word document on your computer, a notebook that you keep on your desk or whatever but just make sure that you keep all of these comments in ONE place where you can find them easily when you need to get your hands on them.
When you record these compliments and testimonials, make sure that your record who they are from, where they worked at the time and in what capacity, the person’s contact details should you need to get hold of them to get their permission to quote them at some stage, and the date on which they said this nice thing about you.
When using referrals, compliments or testimonials from clients, make sure that you update them on a regular basis. You can also quote someone anonymously by saying that this referral came from the financial manager of a large FMCG Manufacturer, or this testimonial came from the CEO of a Pharmaceutical Company. This preserves your client’s privacy while still allowing you to showcase the good work that you have done.