There is nothing I dislike more than disingenuous unoriginality.  I would rather read the (sparse) work of someone who is original and a thought-leader in their field, than that of someone who is simply churning out content for the sake of sustaining an online presence and SEO.  I strongly believe that we should respect our audience, our readers and our target market by creating content that is original and not a rehash of someone else’s thoughts and ideas.

When working with my clients, one of the things that I emphasise is the fact that the online space (particularly when it comes to posting on a blog) is their opportunity to showcase their subject  matter expertise and their opinions in their areas of specialisation.  Everyone is entitled to have a strong, subjective opinion based on knowledge and experience, and the blog-osphere is an appropriate space in which to be able to express opinions and positions on a variety of subjects (just as I am doing now!).  What is a real winner is when people respond to one’s opinion or position on a subject.

I don’t expect everyone to agree with me all of the time.  I have many strong opinions on a variety of topics, tools and tips.  One of my strong opinions is that – there is more than enough clutter out there on the internet without us regurgitating or copying other peoples’ original ideas and thoughts.  I would rather post less frequently, but with integrity, ingenuity and originality than feel compelled to write daily and thus be forced to resort to using other peoples’ original work as the basis for my content.

Having said that, being copied is believed to be one of the highest forms of praise!!!

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